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Recognitions and Affliliations

Dept. of Practice Of Medicine

Department Of Medicine

Practice of Medicine is a science and art of medicine which is an integration of academic knowledge, clinical skills and complimented by the investigations to reach a relevant diagnosis and selecting an appropriate therapeutic agent with plan of management including diet, restrictions, and exercises. Evidence based medicine is an essential principle of the patient care along with the recommended guidelines as per the approved prevalent laws of the land as suggested by the medical fraternity

Homoeopathy has a distinct approach for the concept of disease and its treatment. Homoeopathy advocates treating the man in disease and not the disease in man thereby recommending the concept of Individualisation. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy recommends that a physician shall possess the skills of differentiation, sharp observation and conceptual clarity about disease.

With the evolution of science the subject of Practice of Medicine has also evolved in Homoeopathy and it is recommended that the Homoeopathic Physicians shall have the capability of taking the help of latest diagnostic techniques and laboratory investigations. This curriculum is designed to provide ample academic knowledge with sufficient clinical exposure to develop the skills of perception the clinical features, differential diagnosis and the disease prognosis with tactical usage of appropriate Homoeopathic medicines under the guidance of competent teacher for the period of 2.5 years followed by internship of one year.

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013.

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